Jean Véronis

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jeudi, septembre 16, 2010

Book: '10' by Marion Bataille

I had the pleasure of meeting Marion Bataille recently (at the Rencontres Internationales de Lure, where I made a brief stop this summer...). Marion is a designer, illustrator, photographer, but above all an artist. Among other things, she is the author of magnificent popup books – you know, those 3D books that unfold when you open them. As kids, we all read stories of rabbits or dinosaurs that jumped out of the pages… But with Marion, there are no strange animals, no tabs to pull on. The magic lies in the purity, the minimalist aesthetics. She became known a while ago for her fascinating ABC3D, which became a worldwide best-seller. Have a look at the video. Quite a lot is lost unfortunately: I was treated to a live demonstration by the author, almost theatrical (3D video would be great here!).

Recently, Marion Bataille has published another character adventure, numbers. Her new popup book is called 10. Even more fascinating perhaps are these little black and white numerical “soldiers” (says Marion), all identical and all different, that unfold in one direction, then another, and always add up to eleven. Purity, magic… Enjoy it for yourself (once again the live demo was absolutely wonderful).

Numbers and letters; to my delight! Only one small marketing error: it should have been launched on 10th October. 10/10/10...!

1 Commentaires:

Anonymous dan a écrit...

Spectaculaire, vraiment.

Et je me demande comment sont produits ces livres ?
Les structures qui se déplient sont-elles assemblées et collées à la main ?
Je ne vois pas comment on pourrait fabriquer ces livres uniquement avec des machines...

25 septembre, 2010 23:43  

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