Tool: Analyzing the buzz with CaptuCourbes
You know I love tools (some [fr] might even say I'm a tool junkie). I've come up with a few myself, you remember, but I like it even better when they are developed by others – especially when it's precisely an idea I've been playing with for months, and when I haven't been able to find the time to do it.
You have probably noticed that numerous sites offer buzzometers, providing graphs: Technorati, BlogPulse, BlogScope, Trendio, soon Wikio Buzz [fr], etc. There's just one thing though... These services usually dish up beautiful graphics, but not the data themselves (not as daft as that), and obviously, the graphs cannot be compared (different scales, different time frames, etc.). Maybe you did what I did: manually superimposed the graphs playing with transparency in Photoshop. But I wondered whether the images couldn't be analyzed automatically...
Fait accompli. Philippe Gambette [fr], another surprising tool junkie (and an admirer of my blog – I promise I paid nothing for the title of his [fr]!) designed this tool. Simple, effective, open and free.
With, as a bonus, the comparative analysis of the "Manaudou naked" [fr] mega-buzz:
To be seen (and buzzed!) urgently! It's here.
1 Commentaires:
"veronising" !!! Même le terme français serait utile tellement vous nous avez ouvert la porte d'une nouvelle dimension de critique, de recul, d'autonomie intellectuelle et de recherche personnelle.
Toutes mes félicitations, vous êtes un génie et un exemple.
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