SEO: Google, it's all tits and bums!
But not Dailymotion! I recently told you that my site was second in the image search on Google for the word "Google", which was undreamt of... Well, would you believe that if you activate the SafeSearch function (read “anti-porn”), this image disappears from the results!
However the posting featuring the Google image in question is hardly pornographic... My only conclusion is that Google is all tits and bums (unless the words Thatcher, Saddam, Poutine, which appear on the page can be considered as obscenities!).
I have already mentioned the mysteries of the SafeSearch function and the sledge hammer that Google sometimes uses to crack nuts, but it’s still funny...
As for Dailymotion, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I am first on the first two images for the keyword with the SafeSearch function activated. Not bad, there too, for such a common keyword! And I see that it brings visitors (I should start making this site “pay”…).
But the funniest thing is, that with the SafeSearch function deactivated, so normally letting through the hardest of porn, my little image only comes 12th, behind, amongst others,,, and Of these 11 sites eliminated due to the public health hazard, only one seems to me to be an "erotic site"…
Basically, it’s a load of rubbish, isn't it?
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