Jean Véronis

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jeudi, décembre 13, 2007

Aixtal: RSS streaming per language

You have no doubt noticed that I have started posting in English again lately. I don’t know if I’ll carry on as it takes more time…

Anyway, this time I thought it might present problems for some tools like Wikio or RollSense which apparently don't detect (not yet, at least) the language. This means my postings are wrongly indexed…

So I programmed a little system enabling this blog to have two streams:
This might be more comfortable for those of you who only want to have one or other of the versions. If you want to have both French and English, the following streaming will provide both:
It’s a shame that the blog platforms don't offer this function. It's so easy though...

2 Commentaires:

Anonymous Anonyme a écrit...

Interesting, you're posting this on the very same day I intended to send you an email with a request for you to put this filtering in place! Thanks..

14 décembre, 2007 10:35  
Blogger Jean Véronis a écrit...

As I started posting in English again, I realized that the previous feed was getting messy...

15 décembre, 2007 10:43  

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